Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2012
Memorial Town Hall
Mark Johnson (5:50 PM), Bruce Pennino, Mary Ricker
Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent
Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary
M. Ricker called the Board of Health Meeting to order at 5:37 PM
1675 Wachusett Street, Howard: The applicant is requesting for approval for a septic upgrade, failed Title 5.
- Property boundaries need to be shown on the plans.
- The tank must be 50’ from the well and staked out before installation.
M. Ricker motioned to approve with the conditions 1 & 2. B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED.
Documents presented during review: Septic Plans, 1675 Wachusett St., for Lynn Howard, Holden, MA 01520, dated March 28, 2012.
Chapin Road, Lot 1 & 2, Boisvert: New System. This was taken off the agenda because the plans need to be revised. Tabled.
- January 24, 2012: M. Johnson motioned to approve. M. Ricker seconded. Vote 3-0, APPROVED.
- February 28, 2012: M. Johnson motioned to approve. M. Ricker seconded, Vote 3-0, APPROVED.
These meeting minutes may be viewed online at HoldenMA.gov.
- Tobacco Control Program: Karyn Johnson, Tobacco Consultant for the Worcester Tobacco Control Program, could not be in attendance for this meeting. Tabled.
- Ticks: A. Crete distributed the literature that is on the Holden’s Town Website, for the Board to review. She will also check on putting something on the town sign, referring to the town website. B. Penino would like A. Crete to go around and pass out literature to groups like the Boy Scouts, etc.
This literature may be viewed online at HoldenMA.gov.
- Board of Health Regionalization: Dennis Lipka, Building Commissioner, will be attending the meeting in Worcester, for Department Heads, on April 11, 2012.
Next Meeting: June, date to be determined.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:10 PM
M. Johnson motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting. M. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
April 10, 2012 minutes approved: September 18, 2012
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary
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